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Set of 3 Owl Family Wooden Nesting Dolls 4.25 Inches

₴906.91 UAH ₴1,133.75

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Have you ever wondered why wisdom is associated with owls? Owls represent wisdom and knowledge in many cultures because their nocturnal vigilance is often associated with that of the studious scholar or wise elder. The owl is sacred to the Greek goddess of learning, Athena and is even depicted as a symbol of status, intelligence and of course, wealth. Native Americans associated the meaning of the owl with wisdom, foresight, and keeper of sacred knowledge. According to one Christian tradition, owls represent the wisdom of Christ, which appeared amid the darkness of the unconverted.
Owls have perhaps the quietest wing stroke of any bird, making them excellent hunters. They are extremely sensitive to sound, and able to hear noises ten times fainter than humans. Their faces are shaped like two satellite dishes which funnel sounds into their ears.
The inimitable painting found on all of our nesting dolls makes this matryoshka a perfectly thoughtful gift, a seasonal or year-round decoration, a special addition to an existing collection - or all of the above!
  • 3 pieces/ 4.25 Inches Tall
  • Linden Wood, Gouache, Lacquer
  • Hand Painted

Animal nesting dolls make charming gifts for animal lovers There's no mistaking that gifts like these will be forever cherished by anyone lucky enough to receive one. If you know someone who has a beloved pet, will likely turn up a similar looking doll, which makes a perfect gift for a pet owner. So think outside the box this year. Give a gift that shows a lot of thought and care. This way you'll know that whoever you give one of these great dolls, will be talking about it fondly for a long time.

WARNING* Choking hazard * Not recommended for kids under 3 years due to small parts inside.
Wood Set of 3 Owl Family Wooden Nesting Dolls 4.25 Inches in Multi color

Set of 3 Owl Family Wooden Nesting Dolls 4.25 Inches

₴906.91 UAH ₴1,133.75
Have you ever wondered why wisdom is associated with owls? Owls represent wisdom and knowledge in many cultures because their nocturnal vigilance is often associated with that of the studious scholar or wise elder. The owl is sacred to the Greek goddess of learning, Athena and is even depicted as a symbol of status, intelligence and of course, wealth. Native Americans associated the meaning of the owl with wisdom, foresight, and keeper of sacred knowledge. According to one Christian tradition, owls represent the wisdom of Christ, which appeared amid the darkness of the unconverted.
Owls have perhaps the quietest wing stroke of any bird, making them excellent hunters. They are extremely sensitive to sound, and able to hear noises ten times fainter than humans. Their faces are shaped like two satellite dishes which funnel sounds into their ears.
The inimitable painting found on all of our nesting dolls makes this matryoshka a perfectly thoughtful gift, a seasonal or year-round decoration, a special addition to an existing collection - or all of the above!
Animal nesting dolls make charming gifts for animal lovers There's no mistaking that gifts like these will be forever cherished by anyone lucky enough to receive one. If you know someone who has a beloved pet, will likely turn up a similar looking doll, which makes a perfect gift for a pet owner. So think outside the box this year. Give a gift that shows a lot of thought and care. This way you'll know that whoever you give one of these great dolls, will be talking about it fondly for a long time.

WARNING* Choking hazard * Not recommended for kids under 3 years due to small parts inside.