3500+ ornaments and holiday decorations

Authentic Blown Real Eggshell Ukrainian Easter Egg Pysanka 043

€22,89 EUR

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  • Real Eggshell
  • Batik Style
  • Hand Decorated
  • Made in Ukraine

Made using a wax resist (batik) method. Beeswax was scooped into the stylus and heated in a candle flame. The molten wax was applied to the white egg with a writing motion; any bit of shell covered with a wax sealed to remain white. The egg was dyed and more wax applied. Bits of shell covered with wax remained that color. After the final color, the wax was removed by holding the egg next to the flame and gently melting it.
Ukrainian Easter Egg are part of an ancient tradition of decorating whole eggshells with elaborate geometric patterns and pictures.. The delicate nature of real eggs is what makes Pysanky eggs all the more unbelievable. Although it may seem improbable, these eggs are real. Pysanky are made by puncturing the shell in two places and carefully removing the liquid contents of the egg by blowing them out. Using the hot wax pen the artists writes a pattern, dips the pysanky into dyes, lets then dry and continues the process several times, producing colorful overlapping patterns on the shell of the Ukrainian eggs. Because the shells are so fragile, this part of the process is rather difficult. This produces beautiful, overlapping patterns on the eggs that are almost impossible to believe. Folk cultures around the world consider the pysanky a symbol of springtime and rebirth. This Easter egg decoration technique is considered by many different folk cultures around the world as a symbol of springtime and rebirth. So the decorations have a much deeper meaning than simply being pretty to look at on your Easter Sunday dinner table. They have a cherished history and are often thought of as being a glorious symbol of the chick emerging from what may seem like a lifeless shell, as well as the grass growing and flowers blooming from the cold, hard winter ground.


  • Item Number (SKU)
  • Material
  • Main Color
  • Type
    Easter Eggs
  • Shape
  • Theme
  • Collection
  • Height (inches)
  • Length (inches)
  • Width (inches)
  • Shipping Weight (LBS)
  • Pattern
  • Occasion
  • Style
    Not Entered
  • Feature 1
    Easter Eggs
  • Feature 2
    Real Eggshell
  • Feature 3
    Hand Decorated
  • Feature 4
    Made in Ukraine
  • Feature 5
    Premium Quality
  • Country of Origin