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Eight Easter egg traditions and their origins

Easter Traditions

  1. Ancient Egyptians, Persians, and Romans exchanged eggs during their spring festivals to represent new life and fertility.

  2. The practice of decorating eggs dates back to at least the 13th century in Ukraine and is called pysanky. The tradition involves using wax and dyes to create intricate designs and symbols on the eggs.

  3. In Greece, red Easter eggs are traditionally dyed on Holy Thursday to symbolize the blood of Christ.

  4. The Easter egg roll on the White House lawn in the United States has been a tradition since 1878, but the origins of rolling eggs dates back to England in the 14th century.

  5. In Germany, Easter eggs are hung on trees and bushes, much like Christmas ornaments, as part of a tradition called Ostereierbaum.

  6. In Poland, the tradition of swieconka involves bringing baskets of food, including decorated eggs, to church to be blessed on Holy Saturday.

  7. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, boys and men create whips out of willow branches and braid ribbons onto them. On Easter Monday, they visit homes and "whip" girls and women on the legs in a tradition called pomlazka, which is said to bring health and youthfulness.

  8. In Ethiopia, Easter eggs are dyed red and called "dabo" as part of the Easter celebration, which also includes fasting and a three-day feast.

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